Sometimes, it is necessary to write down certain thoughts that come to your mind. And there is a beauty in it because every single thought of kindness that comes is sacred as the evening prayers to Usha. They demand justice by words and symbols, by rules of grammar and by annotations and speeches. And I sat perplexed. Because I knew not how can I personify dedication and understanding? How can I exemplify love for humanity to an utmost extent? But above all, is it necessary? Perhaps, there is a latent glory in selflessness and joy in giving, inexplicable. It can be felt only by the doer because true charity is Godliness. True charity is merely a reaction of an inner action- self-realization and understanding humanity. And when I witnessed the profoundness of this action among certain youth of this family, the Corps family, I realized I must have a certain message for all the members of this family who, together are working selflessly, for others, for this humanity and nothing can be virtuous than the vision to make an effort to bring a difference.

Dear sisters and brothers! Always remember what Swamiji has said- They alone live those who live for others. The serendipity lies in the work. It might be that your contribution is not glorified. It might be that your work is not recognized. Do not regard such thoughts. The help those suffering people would get is more important that your recognition. The clouds might hide the Sun, but cannot hide its blaze. This seed of this family was sown four years ago and having seen it since, I won’t say it has grown into a tree. It is developed into a plant. There might be people who shall condemn and others who might even appreciate. Do not stray from this path of charity as the plant, shading even the ones who denounce it. You are the roots, dear sisters and brothers and every volunteer! Stay together and strong; Dig deep and find knowledge as the roots find water and nutrients. All worldly knowledge you learn about the world and people shall nourish the plant to extremity. Books, pages and contraptions of knowledge cannot gain you experience but the world can, its people can, those struggling birds in the sky can, that hungry stray dog ca, that beggar can and even that dying tree can. And when you have gained such knowledge, the plant shall bear the flowers of immense happiness. The wind of time shall blow and its sweet smell that attracts people to appreciate what you do and so you gain recognition. Let not you be blinded by this multitude of graces. Your work is not yet complete. The plant has to grow into a tree. This family of Corps has to grow more such that its shade may pacify thousands across borders without discrimination. Your deeds of kindness and charity shall spread as the branches of the tree and its leaves.

Remember dear sisters and brothers! The deep rooted tree under the blazing sun bears the sweetest of fruits. And I believe this family shall too, with time and immense patience. Soon the bees shall come carrying the message of your charitable works throughout. Like flowers pollinate, your good deeds shall be pollinated and inspire others to join you. Soon, your eyes shall witness a garden full of beautiful plants and trees, greener than ever, symbolizing life and energy, hope of survival and shade of everlasting help. Never extrapolate neediness and satisfy your urge to help. Understand the motive and a reason behind the poor for no one is born a beggar. This family, Prayaas, needs volunteers, youths, juveniles, ready to serve and give up for others; hands stretched always for help and words to spread hope and life. Always be glad you have a chance to help and spread kindness because you are performing an act no less than service to God. It is never a necessary means of discovery to search Godliness in certain places of worship. We, the people, the beings, all are the children of God and assisting each other in times of struggle and survival is the highest and purest form of Godliness. Do not be merely a rainfall, rather, be together and become a cloud-burst and demolish the evils prevailing in the society. This is not merely an organizations, it is, but, much more than that. Prayaas Corps has youth, the source of power for growth of this nation; dedicated youth for tireless work with iron will and immense determination and flesh of kindness nourished with blood of charity. What more can one yearn for and dream of. Become a moon in someone’s night. Fall as the rains in someone’s parched life. Bring spring of happiness to the autumn of someone’s age. Freeze as a winter in someone’s burning desire of hopelessness and blaze like a summer of hope and life for the fallen and downtrodden. Be an effort your ownself to make a difference.


“Have faith, that you all, my brave lads, born to do great things. Let not the barks of puppies frighten you, no, not even the thunderbolts of heaven but stand up and work. Persevere on, my brave lads! We have only just begun. Never despond. Never say enough. Arise! Awake! And Stop not until the goal is reached.”

Swami Vivekananda


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