Blood Donation Drives


“To be doing good deeds is man’s most glorious task.” – Sophocles


While growing up, we are often told by our parents to grow up; to face the ‘real world’ outside. We are told how danger lurks around the corner, how the world is full of treacherous individuals with gleaming red eyes who mean no good. However, despite all that, we dream of a mysterious personality who saves us from the clutches of evil. Now, while the ‘good man in golden robes’ might not even exist, but making the idea of it a reality isn’t too difficult. With frequent disasters today’s man faces, I’d say a few good deeds are in order. It is said that a good deed brightens a dark world. That would certainly be true for the family of a man who met with a rather tragic accident but managed to receive blood from an anonymous donor at the last minute.

Here at Prayaas Corps, we believe in kindness and selflessness. And we think such beliefs should be portrayed by actions which make a difference. One of the most effective methods is by donating blood to the needy. Blood donation occurs when a person voluntarily has blood drawn from them in order to transfer it to somebody who is in need. Holding blood donation drives is a wonderful way to fill up your jar of good deeds.

I’d say organising a blood donation camp is easy, but how do we reach out to people and make them want to donate blood? To make it easier for people to access, Prayaas has taken two steps. Firstly, we set up the camps in government hospitals. Secondly, we have opened a blood bank account in our corporations name in said government hospitals. In that way, we provide a health benefit to all our volunteers, as should they ever need blood, they need only approach the hospital and they will be treated. These are few of the various things we provide.

We all know blood donation is a major concern to society as donated blood is lifesaving for individuals who need it. Blood is scarce and there is no replacement for human blood. But donating blood does not make you weak, our body replenishes the donated blood cells within seven days. Visualise the happy grin a child undergoing a liver transplant has on his face when he finally receives blood. The gleam in his parents’ tearful eyes, when they realise their child has been given a second chance at life. Everybody deserves a second chance, isn’t it?

This article is not to tell you what’s wrong and what’s right. This is to tell you how a random act of kindness could change a critical situation into a hopeful one. For that, I implore you, give; donate blood, and spread hope. A human is a human’s best chance at survival. A drop of your blood could make a difference in an ailing person’s life. Be kind, be the reason for the smile on somebody’s face. Donating blood makes a difference. Promote blood donation. Let’s spread the warmth within our fraternity where no life is lost due to lack of blood.

Ready to do your part for this cause?